Basswood Herald; Growing Cress Success!

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Well, heres this months newspaper. They money they are saving up for is actually for unsuspecting Henry Doormouse who really wants his own Restaurant. Henry had lived in Violet Village before he came to Basswood Creek so Mayor Hugo was not exactly telling a lie. You see, I really wanted the harvester restaurant but then decided that it was too bulky for thr village. So I was looking for the old Village store which luckily was on Trade Me. My mum bought it for me for 50 nz dollars (not including shipping) for my birthday. It arrived 3 days or so ago and to my surprise was 40cm long! normal syl buildings are about 27cm long I think. The floor is quite stained and in the glass jug things there are little brown balls, ew! After some restauration work it will hopefully look amazing. But that will have to wait since it is my birthday in another two months so now it is just sitting in the garage. I think I will make a story about Henry wanting the restaurant…but first i have to do the Book tutorial.


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