Building a house

Hi, I am just going to let you know that I am in progress to build another house. Three storeys,  bit like Cedar Terrace. Just out of cardboard. I will do/post the photos when the ” suports”
for the floor have dried. I also am soon doing my link page too but before that I want to metion the amazing sylvanian blog:Aeternum Somnium! This is the link to it

Please have a look!


P.S Sorrry Kyra that I can not comment on your blog because my acount does not work =(.

Kyra says:

Hey Emily,

oh thank you very much for mentioning my blog and your kind words about it :).
That’s okay – It’s wonderful that you told me, that you like my blog :). It made my day! :)

I’m curious about your new project! It makes so much fun building new houses! :)

Many greetings from Germany,

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