The first snow!

On a cold dark night in a cold dark basswood creek…

The children awoke to see Basswood was covered in a thin layer of snow, they all put on their warm clothing and rushed outside to build snow men, do snow angels and to catch up with their friends. The trunks who do not live in the village only saw this .

Perkin had to watch over Lulu, Rosmary and Bettina who were building a snowman in front of the garden.

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Dorothy thought she would wander over to her friend Matilda Billabong who was in the shoe shop. What a lot of children she thought!

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Now finally the trunks had arived and were walking through the swarm of people, this is worse than bees trying to get to a hive Hugo thought.

Linda, Milly and Jayrene did a tu-tu train.

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Ah, what a snowy day!


Hi! I did this short story instead of the may one because I forgot to take pictures. Hope you don’t mind! Yes I still do need to write descriptions for the trunk twins, I’ll do that next.


Mia Wells says:

Very detailed and very cute. You have a beautiful town scene laid out on that table…so lucky to have that much space!!!

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