More caravan pictures


I got around doing the caravan pictures


This is the whole thing from the inside.


The bunk beds , on the left the childrens and on the right the adult. I have finished decorating the adults blankets but the childrens are still waiting for me with needle and thread. I used to have blue tack to hold up the bunks but now I used PVA glue because they always keept falling down.


This is the bottom


I have made some flowers and a table because, well, you need one!


The little kitchen with cups and a drink bottle on it.


I started the outside, it was sooo sticky!


The door.


By these two strings the horses will pull the caravan.


The front of it.


What season is it where you live?

Because I want to make a tutorial on how to make a fireplace or I could make one about how to make a flower bed. Please send a comment on what season it is where you live, If one says summer and one says winter I will do both.


Paige says:

Hi Emily, it’s summer here in the US, and currently over 100 degrees where live. I love the caravan especially the bunk beds and the outer part of it. Great job! 😀

emily says:


Kyra says:

Hey there,

it’s summer here in Germany. But I would also be curious about the fireplace :).

Your caravan is gorgeous, love the way you build the table.

Many greetings,

emily says:

Hi Kyra!
Hm, maybe I’ll do both because they are both so tempting.I’ll do the flower bed that has standing flowers, not like the other one wich is flat. I will post the one wich looks more “real”.

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