11th of December

11th of December

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Both parents looked very uneasy as they stood infront of their children, but they knew that it was now or never. “Children, sadly, this year, we are not having a christmas tree.” said Harry, looking VERY uncomfortable.

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Chloe’s face crumpeled, she burried herself in Kyras dress and started to cry.

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“Well, we still have this” said Harry, pointing to the tinsel, trying to lighten the mood.

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Still sobbing, Chloe ran upstairs, Kyra and Jack followed and even they had tears in their eyes.

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Both parents were now really worried, they had tried so hard to find a christmas tree.

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Lauren went upstairs, she tried to give Chloe a hug but she refused and ran to Kyra instead.

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Lauren ran downstairs and started to cry, she felt teribble. Firstly Chloe,forĀ  first time ever had refused to give her mother a hug. Secondly, she was sulking for the very first time, and last of all she had broken a promise. She had promised Chloe that they would have a happy christmas with a big christmas tree.

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Harry looked for a christmas tree and finally found one, it was a plastic christmas tree that the fishers had last year.

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They put up the tree and decorated the house.

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Harry called the children down and exchanged an anxouise looks.

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“Um, we found this tree” said Lauren, suddenly the children started to smile, then laugh! They loved the christmas tree!

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Look what it can do!

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It was finally going to be a happy christmas =)



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